Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher


Click HERE to get
the Notice of Race


Click HEREto get 
the Sailing Instructuions


Click HERE to see who's
also going along for this sensational event.


Click HERE to go and 
enter online.


Results available after the event from HERE.


Click HERE for all of the Race Documents












Passage race to Geelong around laid and/or fixed navigational marks on Port Phillip.

Race Start: 0830hrs on Saturday 7th September 2013 in the vicinity of R2.

Safety Category: 5


As well as being the last race of the Helly Hansen Winter Series, the Melbourne to Geelong race is a race in its own right.

Different courses ensure that the fleet arrives in a timely fashion for the wonderful hospitality offered by Royal Geelong Yacht Club.

Entry is open for racing and cruising divisions.Entry to the Winter Series is inclusive of this race fee. However, you will need to update your entry with your crew list.










ORCV Melbourne Winter Series (MWS)

It gets even funnier!

Aware that there can be no hiding now, the Rocketeers have fessed up a treat. Seems that the next person to join Leith Hore on the boom was Nigel Jones and if you know him, that really is even funnier.


This is Nigel, mid way along the boom, looking forlornly at the pen where they should be heading. Exceptional sailor, wicked starting helmsman, but not exactly the next Iron Man. His build is more that of an Ethiopian marathon runner.

Below, is Leith out there on his own...


From one of the Rocketeers (and not the one you might think) we got, "Funniest part is we put the next lightest crew member on the boom as well - Nigel. So the total weight of the two of them is perhaps 100-120Kgs." Ed. At absolute best!!!!

"Perhaps the two of them are most able to climb?" Ed. Now you're talking sense!

More on something sailing realted, right here, over the next little while....

Now whilst we're at it, yet another reminder that whilst R6 was the last of the laid course events, it is only the penultimate of the 2010 MWS. The final event is the M2G on 11/09/10. So far, just 25 of the 40 odd racing boats have completed the additional information that is required if you are going. A few of these are even coming out of their Winter retirement to be in amongst it all.

You do not even have to have been doing the whole MWS to come out for this great passage race. Just look at Peregrine, Remedy and Yoko!

Now you Racing Division types have almost been surpassed by the new Cruising Division, of which there are now 16 entries. Last year, verging on 60 boats went to Geelong. Time to get a wiggle on, eh. BTW. FREE, yes we said free, so long as you entered the entire MWS. FREE!!!!!!!!!!

The full MWS results to date are HERE.

You can still enter the M2G HERE and remember that Cruising Divisions are offered for this great event. Enter, enter, enter - please. Let's make it a HUGE event.



© John Curnow, ORCV Media

Please contact me for re-issue rights.



The Colts (Sydney 38s) are having

their own fight within the battle -

many thanks to Ullman Sails for

providing the prize.


Thank you to David Judge and

Tony Dawson from Hoobo's for

ensuring Steb had a ride and

we, therefore, had imagery.


We'll be seeing the team

at Geelong, pretty soon indeed.




ORCV Melbourne Winter Series (MWS)

Woof. Woof.

Barking mad, I tell you. He's barking mad... No. Not Steb Fisher. Some other person with a keyboard and access codes. Here are Steb's images from the abandoned and now cancelled, Race Six of the 2010 MWS.


Woof. Woof. Indeed. Cat lovers, you could argue with me that it is a Jaguar or other large feline, too.

Tony Bull from the Ullman Sails Loft in Geelong, says Go Gats!! Me thinky that's all AFL, so Go Hawks!! (to the nightclub in their case...)

In case it is the Race Committee mantra, 'No resail - see you in Catland', we'll let it slide.


RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Someone else who would have enjoyed the sunny skies.


They may have parked in it in the mud when they got back to the marina....


... but they did OK with the sailing department on the day.


Matrix, Horizon Sprint, Swordfish Trombone and Jazz Player congregate around the course boat.


Everyone was there and keen to get a race in. Even had sails up...


Escapade are off to Geelong. Thank you.

So, have you put your entry in???


What's that?

You're going to?

Excellent. Well done!


Chutzpah38 having a team confab to decide how many cases they'll need at the other end.


Good place for a team meeting. Nice and private.


Pretty as a picture - and you thought I would not resort to such predictable platitudes....


It's always jazzy, aboard well, Jazzy!


Horizon Sprint with Allegresse in the background.


"Hhhmmm. Yes. Yes. Serious stuff, that."

We're aboard Mille Sabords, BTW.


"What you talking about, Willis?"


Fade to blue with Fade 2 Grey.


There's a ripple there!


Reasonably early on, there's headsails still up...


Nutcracker goes in to check how Chutzpah38's confab went. For our information, their own revealed that it would definitely be Beer o'Clock when they got to Geelong on Saturday 11/09/10.


So like, was that five off the D1's? (Extasea).


Schüss, Allegresse, Extasea and Gienah all wait. Patiently.


More nice shots for team XLR8 to thank us for. They are booked in for the M2G.


That looks like a He of the Countdown Timer pose on the cabin top...


to the needbut without the spaces.Yep. it is. We often catch him like that. Meanwhile the explanation goes something like, "I was just going down the road and then this idiot came in from the left and T-boned me!" Good story - everyone's paying attention.


One of the the three guns that signalled she was all over for the day. Only shouting was going to be at the bar. Yippeeeeeeeeee!

More on something sailing realted, right here, over the next little while....

Now whilst we're at it, yet another reminder that whilst R6 was the last of the laid course events, it is only the penultimate of the 2010 MWS. The final event is the M2G on 11/09/10. So far, just 25 of the 40 odd racing boats have completed the additional information that is required if you are going. A few of these are even coming out of their Winter retirement to be in amongst it all.

You do not even have to have been doing the whole MWS to come out for this great passage race. Just look at Peregrine, Remedy and Yoko!

Now you Racing Division types have almost been surpassed by the new Cruising Division, of which there are now 16 entries. Last year, verging on 60 boats went to Geelong. Time to get a wiggle on, eh. BTW. FREE, yes we said free, so long as you entered the entire MWS. FREE!!!!!!!!!!

The full MWS results to date are HERE.

You can still enter the M2G HERE and remember that Cruising Divisions are offered for this great event. Enter, enter, enter - please. Let's make it a HUGE event.



© John Curnow, ORCV Media

Please contact me for re-issue rights.



The Colts (Sydney 38s) are having

their own fight within the battle -

many thanks to Ullman Sails for

providing the prize.


Thank you to David Judge and

Tony Dawson from Hoobo's for

ensuring Steb had a ride and

we, therefore, had imagery.


We'll be seeing the team

at Geelong, pretty soon indeed.




ORCV Melbourne Winter Series (MWS)

No reserve.

Now here at the ORCV, all the teachings and doctrine are about risk minimisation, so what is he on about with no reserve. I mean, if you're in a diesel launch, you keep 20% of fuel for reserve, if you are crosssing an ocean in yacht, you have reserve water or if Erin Foster has done your rations, reserve lollies... God Bless, eh PeeWee.

So then, the No Reserve comment relates to the need  or lack thereof actually, to sail this Sunday to make up for Race Six of the 2010 MWS. It won't be happening. Simple. The Brass do not deem it necessary.

Here's what they said. "The Race Committee have decided that since we have five races in the Melbourne Winter Series already completed and it will not disadvantage any competitor if we do not re-run Race Six, so therefore, it has been cancelled. We will not be running a race on the reserve day, Father's Day, which will keep more than the sailor's happy!"

"The next race will be the Melbourne to Geelong race. Please make sure you enter for this event (HERE) even if you are already an MWS entrant. We also require a crew list to be submitted online before the race. We have introduced a new online system, which allows you to add all the crew that have previously sailed on your boat and then you can delete those who are not sailing in that race. The system will also allow you to enter a sailor who does not have a YA number, simply by using their mobile phone number, but without the spaces.


Here's what the Geelong foreshore and RGYC look like, in case you've forgotten. Argh. Argh. Argh.

More on something sailing realted, right here, over the next little while....

Now whilst we're at it, yet another reminder that whilst R6 was the last of the laid course events, it is only the penultimate of the 2010 MWS. The final event is the M2G on 11/09/10. So far, just 22 of the 40 odd racing boats have completed the additional information that is required if you are going. A few of these are even coming out of their Winter retirement to be in amongst it all.

You do not have to have been doing the whole MWS to come out for this great passage race. Just look at Peregrine, Remedy and Yoko!

Now you Racing Division types have almost been surpassed by the new Cruising Division, of which there are now 16 entries. Last year, verging on 60 boats went to Geelong. Time to get a wiggle on, eh. BTW. FREE, yes we said free, so long as you entered the entire MWS. FREE!!!!!!!!!!

The full MWS results to date are HERE.

You can still enter the M2G HERE and remember that Cruising Divisions are offered for this great event. Enter, enter, enter - please. Let's make it a HUGE event.



© John Curnow, ORCV Media

Please contact me for re-issue rights.



Thank you to David Judge and

Tony Dawson from Hoobo's for

ensuring Steb had a ride and

we, therefore, had imagery.

The Colts (Sydney 38s) are having
their own fight within the battle -
many thanks to Ullman Sails for
providing the prize.




ORCV Melbourne Winter Series (MWS)

Three egg omelette? No. Three gun scramble!

So with all the talk of lunch yesterday, a food related headline seemed essential.

He of the Pointy End (aka Chris Furey), was there when the Committee fired the three guns for the abandonment of Sunday's racing. He was also kind enough to get us some images, as everyone scrambled home to their pen. Some even made it there in just the one go - apparently!

"Not much in the way of sailing out there today but it was a great day for pics with lovely reflections and really interesting cloud formations, right around the horizon", was how Chris put it. "Some funny radio chatter kept us amused while we waited for the inevitable three guns - we thought we were in Carlton there for a moment!"


Light above the stick - reminds me of Magic at last year's M2G...




Hero shot. QED.


She's always telling me to be nice to them, so here's a couple of 'Nice' pictures of you on the bow, Sandra!


Look Sandra - two in a row and they show you being a busy Adventure land person, as well!!!


That CBD.


Not a lot on offer there!


Ah. A man I can truly relate to.


Combustion engine was the only way you were going to get anywhere on Sunday.


As if to encourage the Committee, XLR8 wanders past. The Committee hung in and prayed for the clouds to do something, but alas, nothing was on offer.


Mistress had a crew meeting.


And what a lovely environment it was to do it in too!


Then there was the 'a' word and the pack up scramble amongst the fleet began.


Mistress had a crew investigation of the main track.


Rogue Trader were in no way confused about the ultimate decision and got underway.


Gently, however...


The ORCV's very own Tanya Stanford, whom you can read about HERE, did the very same with Nouannie...

Nutcracker also had a quick motor back to SYC, "where we all noticed the very low tide at the wave screen - and then saw the unfortunate Goldfinger stuck in the mud, right on the edge of the approach channel", said Chris.


Doh! She draws around 3.25m, so it makes you wonder how XLR8 faired, given she's even deeper! Good thing Scarlet Runner was not trying to get in either, with her 3.6m draught...


Hhmmm. Lots of wake out the back and nothing at the front. Yep. That's stuck. My how the wheel turns. 20knots the week before and well and truly ZERO the week after!!! See HERE for the memories.


Cast Iron Mainsheet going for it.


"We had to chuckle at the sight of Lethal Leith, their very lightest crewmember, out on the end of the boom, while the heavy blokes hung from the shrouds and lifelines attempting to tilt the boat free of the putty. After a few minutes, the diesel did its work, they popped free and headed into their berth. Thanks for the entertainment Goldie!"


Dripping wet and in his full ocean gear he'd be lucky to make 65kg, so one of the 100kg+ crewmembers should have offered...


Leith clearly doesn't believe it's going to move in a hurry... Two hands darling!

"A quick pack-up and Team Nutcracker headed off for a terrific alfresco lunch on the SYC deck, in the reasonably warm sunshine. We're looking forward to M2G to wrap up the MWS in a couple of weeks", Chris finished with.

We're looking forward to some great racing and fun, too! thank you for the images and watch out for the Rocketeers at the club. They'll be after you now!

More on something sailing realted, right here, over the next little while....

Now whilst we're at it, a reminder that whilst R6 was the last of the laid course events, it is only the penultimate of the 2010 MWS. The final event is the M2G on 11/09/10. So far, just 20 of the 40 odd racing boats have completed the additional information that is required if you are going. A few of these are even coming out of their Winter retirement to be in amongst it all.

Now you Racing Division types have almost been surpassed by the new Cruising Division, of which there are now 15 entries. Last year, verging on 60 boats went to Geelong. Time to get a wiggle on, eh. BTW. FREE, yes we said free if you entered the entire MWS. FREE!!!!!!!!!!

The full MWS results to date are HERE.

You can still enter the M2G HERE and remember that Cruising Divisions are offered for this great event.



© John Curnow, ORCV Media

Please contact me for re-issue rights.



Thank you to David Judge and

Tony Dawson from Hoobo's for

ensuring Steb had a ride and

we, therefore, had imagery.

The Colts (Sydney 38s) are having
their own fight within the battle -
many thanks to Ullman Sails for
providing the prize.




Melbourne to Geelong (M2G) - 11/09/10



Number 15 in the M2G Cruising with Spinnakers Division, is Galaxy!

She is known to most of us who've been on the Bay for a while and there are even some sailors (on a well known and very colourful Grand Prix boat) who have been known to follow her around pre-start, like little lap dogs.


Galaxy on her way to Geelong in 2008.

At any rate, we are delighted she will be joining us for the M2G on September 11. We've heard from her crew boss, Charlie Aquilina and this is what he has to say, 'Galaxy is a Steinmann designed 48ft Cruiser/Racer that was launched in 1990 by her builder and owner, Arch Burns. It took him 10 years to build her and he knows every piece that went it to making this fine craft.'

'We have raced in many events around the Bay ever since and sail to Geelong for the week of racing in January, every year. In 2008 we won the Cruising with Spinnaker Division of Scandia/Geelong Week. The big blue boat shown here is known by many sailors around the traps as, 'Galaxy'. Ed. - To those sailors I mentioned earlier - Hi!

'While we have raced many short courses up in the top end of the Bay this season, the ORCVs Melbourne to Geelong race gives Galaxy a chance to stretch her legs and allows the crew to have some fun, with a weekend away in Geelong. We are really looking forward to this race.'

Well done. The ORCV is looking forward to having you around and RGYC are ready for us all, too!

Right then. You may wish to join all the other vessels and yet not want to have to organise a massive crew or get too busy to have a whole lot of fun. Solution - join the Cruising with Spinnakers Division, even if you have been in the Racing Divisions previously. Pretty Woman was the first to cross over for this particular event, then 2009 Melbourne to Hobart Eastcoaster racer, Biddy Hu II showed up on the cruising roster and won R5 of the MWS to boot, then Magic and Independent Endeavour, as well. Boats such as Ocean Safari, Vantage, Caledonia and Dream, could well do the same...

If you entered the entire MWS, then you're already automatically entered into this race too, but you do need to complete some more information for this particular race. You can also just enter the M2G race only, if you like, but I guess that means you're giving the game away about your favourite pastime after sailing - partying!!!

There are 15 vessels entered so far in the separate Cruising Divisions (kite and no kite) and 20 in racing (as of 30/08/10). The M2G Notice of Race is ready for your perusal and the M2G Sailing Instructions are now live too. Get a wiggle on and enter, now!


Click HERE to go and complete your online entry if you're already doing the MWS.


Click HERE to go and complete your online entry for just the M2G race only and it looks like this, below:



If you' ve got the boat tied up to the quay and think you should give it a run, then do. The M2G is a passgae race and if you do not want to be in with all the racers, even if you normally are, then go in one of the Cruising Divisions. While you're at it, get your clubmates to come along as well. Why? Party. That's why...

By John Curnow




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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au