ORCV Entry Compliance Declarations
Completion of the following ORCV documentation is required to satisfy the conditions of entry as outlined in ORCV Notices of Race. The completion of these declarations is in addition to any documentation required by the current Australian Sailing Special Rules and Regulations. Please visit ORCV’s Skipper Support page for additional race documentation requirements and further information.
Skipper's Race Entry Compliance Declaration Including Keel& Rudder Inspection
Due to the matters covered, and unlike most of the other boat documentation, a Skipper’s Race Entry Compliance Declaration is required for each ORCV Category 2 or 3 race. Click on the link below to open a blank Category 2 or 3 Declaration Form. Complete and sign the declaration. Save the document, then upload it to the race documents on your race entry in Top Yacht.
Category 2 - ORCV SKippers Race Entry Compliance Declaration
Category 3 - ORCV Skippers Race Entry Compliance Declaration
Category 4 - ORCV Skippers Race Entry Compliance Declaration
ORCV Pre-Race Equipment Checklist and Declaration
This checklist and declaration supplements the annual audit requirement which is more comprehensive in nature. This declaration is to be completed and signed prior to commencing the race and available on board (in either electronic or printed format) for inspection if requested.
Category 2 - ORCV Pre Race Equipment Checklist and Declaration
Category 3 - ORCV Pre Race Equipment Checklist and Declaration
ORCV Stability Declaration
This declaration is to be completed, signed and uploaded to your boat documentation in Top Yacht. This declaration remains valid until any changes are made to the yacht since providing your Evidence of Stability documentation to ORCV (which is also required to be uploaded to your boat documentation in Top Yacht).
Category 2 - ORCV Stability / Construction
Category 3 - ORCV Stability Declaration
ORCV Satellite Phone Declaration
This declaration is to be completed, signed and uploaded to your boat documentation in Top Yacht.
ORCV Satellite Phone Declaration
Australian Sailing Special Regulations Equipment Audit Forms
Below you will find links to current Australian Sailing Special Regulations Equipment Audit Forms. Each competing yacht must be inspected by an ORCV Accredited Auditor and is valid for a maximum period of 12 months. A list of current ORCV Accredited Auditors can be found on ORCV’s Skipper Support page. Please download and print out the form, fill out the yacht’s owner details and provide it to your auditor. The completed and signed form is required to be uploaded to your boat documentation in Top Yacht.
Audit forms can be found here on the Australian Sailing Website with copies of current ones as of August 2022 below
Category 2 - Australian Sailing Special Regulations Equipment Audit Form
Category 3 – Australian Sailing Special Regulations Equipment Audit Form