ORCV Safety and Training
It's all about hiking.
In our third piece from Andrew Verdon, who is the Australian Sailing Team (AIS Squad) fitness coordinator, he is going to provide us with some information on how to prepare your body, hike like never before and then recover from a hard day's sailing.
Click HERE to download Andrew's marvellous article on keelboat hiking.
Andrew would also like to thank Mike Dunstan, Andrew Palfrey and the Rolex Farr 40 World Championships for the photos.
If you liked this, you can also Andrew's first piece - How fit are you for sailing? There is also Andrew's second piece for you, too - The physical demands of offshore sailing.
Text by Andrew Verdon
Dip. Ex Sci
Grad Dip App Sci
Cert IV Fitness
Level One Strength Coach-ASCA
Mobile 0419 690 121
Email 1
PO Box 1552 Neutral Bay NSW 2089 Australia
Fax: 61 2 9908 4211
Skype andrew.verdon
Suite 3 Rear 19 Young St Neutral Bay NSW 2089 Australia
Entry via: 1 Cooper Lane
Andrew is currently completing his Masters Degree in exercise and has been the Australian Sailing Team (AIS Squad) fitness coordinator since 2003, including the 2004 and 2008 Olympic Sailing Teams. Should you have any questions? Feel free to contact him at