Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Melbourne to Stanley (M2S)

Seamanship and Happiness

Our beloved Seamanship Poster Crew, Slinky Malinky cleaned up at the presentations for the 2010 M2S. That was always going to put a smile on the dial for all in the general vicinity. Kerry Watt was quick to help by taking images of the presentations for me and tells us that, "Despite the rain, the becalming, the bad jokes and the weather warnings, our usual give-it-a-go attitude paid off." Ed. Ah like that would be yeah!!! Wins in IRC and PHS, with a second in AMS, too. We could not be happier for them.

Eric Marsh's Slinkies for this voyage were, John Owens, long-term pal of the site and HBYC Commodore - David Judge, Paul Nielson, Kerry Watt and Stuart Stirling. Kerry has also supplied some onboard images, of their whole journey, for us to review.


The boss, Eric Marsh, takes them out of Hobbos, back when the breeze was warm and the weather had not turned - yet.


The 2010 M2S Slinkies, minus David.


See. All you had to do was wait and the wind did come a long... Boosted you up the results tables too!!!


Just great conditions. Marvellous. David Judge on the wheel.


Kerry's about the same height...


Now that's wet and depressing. Would have been hero shot but for the fact that it just doesn't show in the thumbnail...


Long voyage...


The 'Men of the Sea' shot.


All smiles on the way out.


So we know about the seamanship - this is the happiness. Well done on the results of your toils in the 2010 M2S.

To see the results, click HERE.

We'll get into it... You knew that, right?

© John Curnow, ORCV Media

Please contact me for re-issue rights.




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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au