Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Aaron Cole

Plastics out of the Ocean - Clean Seas - An ORCV initiative 


This video provides an overview to the campaign.

It is estimated that more than 8 million tonnes of plastic is dumped into the ocean each year (as of 2018) and by 2050 there will be more plastic by weight in the ocean than marine life.

This year, the ORCV Apollo Bay Race has set up a campaign "Plastics out of the Ocean" as part of "Clean Seas" which urges the teams to share ideas on how they can run a more sustainable boat.

You can donate by supporting a boat. All funds raised go to the Australian charity The Tangaroa Blue Foundation whose focus is treating symptoms and preventing pollution in our marine environment.

You can support this campaign by using this link.https://www.chuffed.org/project/plastic-out-of-the-ocean

If you love the ocean, consider how you can contribute to running a more sustainable boat. Here are 5 starting tips:

1. Use reusable water bottles over 1x plastic bottles
2. Take food in reusable containers or use reusable silicone ziplock bags (if it needs heating)
3. Use the boat cutlery/plates over disposable.
4. Consider what food you take onboard.
5. Recycle post-race.

What other ideas can you share?



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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au