Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Safety and Training

New Tassie Weather.


No. The Apple Isle has not upped anchor and gone to the top of Cape York. The BoM has very kindly sent out a bulletin relating to the new forecasting sysytem they have deployed and it has some cool things about waves and the like. So whilst no on would really want to be heading there right now, in just a few months we are going back, yet again, so this may prove to be beneficial...

The Tasmanian arm of the Bureau advises, "There are major changes to marine forecast and warnings that will occur in the last few days of June." So don't say you were not told.

Inside the document listed below, you'll get to see what all this means.



And this...

Go HERE to get the latest information from the BoM in Tassie.

Right Oh. Winter Series coming up, but before that, there's the First Aid Course on June 5 and in between the two is the Australian Women's Keelboat Regatta at the Squadron from June 11 to 13.


Racing, racing, racing...


© John Curnow, ORCV Media

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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au