Updated: 8/06/2012 10:20:08 AM back print 
2011-12 ORCV Offshore Championship
Provisional Results Race 7, 2012 Apollo Bay Race held on 19/05/2012
IRC results Start : 06:30
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper Elapsd AHC Cor'd T Fin Tim
1 S20 DEKADENCE Ken Simpson 09:30:02 1.190 11:18:20 16:00:02
2 SM5508 HUSH Pete Chalkley 11:56:54 0.988 11:48:18 18:26:54
3 SM381 MILLE SABORDS Stephane Howarth 10:44:17 1.101 11:49:21 17:14:17
4 SM401 DRY WHITE Donald Fraser 10:59:02 1.086 11:55:43 17:29:02
5 SM3535 WHITE NOISE Jason Close 11:55:22 1.016 12:06:49 18:25:22
6 R75 HALCYON Chris Tucker 11:09:40 1.089 12:09:16 17:39:40
7 B6511 CLOUD IX Alan Breidahl 12:01:29 1.013 12:10:52 18:31:29
8 H777 SLINKY MALINKY Eric Marsh 11:59:07 1.021 12:14:13 18:29:07
9 B120 UNDER CAPRICORN Phil Bedlington 12:47:31 1.014 12:58:16 19:17:31
10 B353 MAGAZAN 53 Nicholas McGuigan 14:08:36 0.971 13:43:59 20:38:36
11 S37 KISS GOODBYE TO MS Tony Warren 12:13:34 1.145 13:59:56 18:43:34
DNF S777 PRIMITIVE COOL John Newbold   1.158    

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Results by : TopYacht Software
Ocean Racing Club of Victoria

uct : TopYacht Software
UserTitle : Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Print date : 8/06/2012
Print time : 10:20:08 AM
Series Name : 2011-12 ORCV Offshore Championship
Report Type :
Race Number : 7
Race Date : 19/05/2012
Sponsor 1 : Race 7   (19/05/2012)  Heemskirk