Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Hutchwilco Melbourne to Stanley (M2S)

Tinker, tailor, solder, SAILOR!!!

All sailors in any race need to read this to understand some of the changes being undertaken to ensure the Topyacht Sailor Database is more accurate and secure.


As of Saturday, October 22, there are new screens for you to work through to put your information in and also, a new password system. This is to ensure even greater security of your private information.

Also as of the weekend, the system is moving over to a new server, so from Saturday nioght at about 2100hrs until Sunday evening at about 1900hrs, the system will be offline, so please do not try to update or input new data during these times. If your ISP has not refreshed their IP address lists in this time, please allow up to 48hrs for them to do so or access the system from another location.

Below are the screen dumps to show you the steps you are going to work through...


Once you have clicked on the green Sailor Details button, this is what you see!


Use your email address as the way to identify yourself and have a password in mind. If creating a record for the first time, insert your initial and surname, you can modify it, as per the screen displayed below... A 'token' is not necessary for this process and your password will be displayed back to you on your details page, as per below.



Right, so this well-credentialled sailor also has a sense of humour and at 100 kilos is good for rail meat, but seriously, it is important to note that each and every field is completed!!!!

FinishPageAbove is the finish page, displayed after you submit a new sailor or update your existing details. NOW. Despite what it says, your best way to keep a completely unique and protected details page just for you, is to use your email address as your identifer!!!


Finally then, remember the server will be changed from Saturday evening, October 22, 2011,
so do this outside the upgrade window, please.

Now then, we have 37 vessels thus far in the M2S - Addiction, Alibi, Alien, Arch Rival, Bandit, Biddy Hu II, Cadibarra 8, Calm, Chikara Outlaw, Cavarlo, Dekadence, Dark and Stormy, Dry White, eXtasea, FullyNPushing, Gusto, Halcyon, Independent Endeavour, Jazz Player, Kiss Goodbye to MS, Magazan 53, Magic, Matrix, Mille Sabords, Mirrabooka, Nutcracker, Pretty Woman, Scarlet Runner, Slinky Malinky, Spirit of Downunder, Tevake II, Trybooking.com, Under Capricorn, Weekend Option, White Noise, XLR8 and Yoko, which is excellent. Well done and good luck to all.

ORCV Land also extends on to the ORCV Facebook page, so make sure you go and "Like" the page, now. 207 Souls already have and thank you to each and every one of you.

© John Curnow, ORCV Media

Please contact me for re-issue rights.



The ORCV's Hutchwilco Stanley race
is proudly sponsored by:




ORCV Race Van moved by:






Osaka-LOGO Vanuatu SailorDetails



orcv logo reversed

3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au