Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Hutchwilco Melbourne to Stanley (M2S)

Here's the ticket!

Yep. If you're looking for a ride in the 2011 Hutchwilco Melbourne to Stanley Yacht Race, then in Biddy Hu II has your ticket.

The Beneteau 50 needs an SSSC ticketed person to go with them, so don't call if you have not done the course. BTW the next one is on Nov 26 and 27, which is not in time for the race, alas. You can book yourself in now and get sorted for Xmas, by going HERE. Anyway, Paul Lindemann tells us the jacuzzi is back on board and the disco ball never left, so it sounds like good times aboard the good ship, Biddy Hu II from Royals.

ORCV D2 Biddy Hu 11 ©Alex McKinnon_0912

Biddy Hu II (R187) during the 2011 Winter Series. Pic © to and courtesy of Alex McKinnon.

So to be a part of it all, call Paul on 0418 336 025.

Now then, we have 25 vessels thus far in the M2S - Addiction, Alibi, Alien, Arch Rival, Cadibarra 8, Calm, Chikara Outlaw, Dekadence, Dry White, eXtasea, Gusto, Halcyon, Independent Endeavour, Jazz Player, Kiss Goodbye to MS, Magazan 53, Magic, Matrix, Mille Sabords, Nutcracker, Scarlet Runner, Slinky Malinky, Spirit of Downunder, Trybooking.com and White Noise, which is good, but we know there are a few mor eto go, yet... Who's next? It's a lot easier to do this race than get your crew orgainsed to do your own qualifying passage, plus the seafood and hospitality of our friends in Stanley really are awesome.


ORCV Land also extends on to the ORCV Facebook page, so make sure you go and "Like" the page, now. 187 Souls already have and thank you to all of them.

© John Curnow, ORCV Media

Please contact me for re-issue rights.



The ORCV's Hutchwilco Stanley race
is proudly sponsored by:


ORCV Race Van moved by:






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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au