Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

Melbourne to Osaka (M2O from 05/04/13)

Billy Bowden.

Arms up in the air and the goose step to go with it - as in signalling a six in cricket - Brent Fraser 'Billy' Bowden (NZ) - come on down!!!


Now it may have all started with Harold Dennis 'Dickie' Bird, MBE, but Billy has taken it to a whole new level. Sure it helps if you come from a cricketing nation, but our Japanese friends can just think of it like one of their truly unique TV Game Shows. No Lost in Translation with that one.

Enough said...

So then, after all that explanation, our 'six' is Tony Warren from Team BO, as in the Inglis more formally known as Beyond Outrageous. No word as part of our sixth M2O EOI, as to who the other pair of hands is yet, but we do know that it is not our serial go-to RMYS guy, Ian Lindsay.

At any rate, if there is ever any chance to use Chris Furey's image of them on Port Phillip, hooting down under that now, very famous fractional Bag, well, it just has to be used!!!



You know what? While we're at, why don't we just show the whole lot again. Yeeeee HAAAAAA.






With the Colt (Sydney 38), Adrenalin and her sistership, Addiction, on the right.

The Race Committee is keen to review all potential racing opportunities, including things like Class 40. The potential three week starting time window has been proposed to allow vessels of differing speeds to arrive in Osaka at a similar time. Please contact ORCV Vice Commodore, Simon Dryden to discuss your requirements: +61 418 145 909 and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Go HERE to register your interest in this sensational race.

Go HERE to see who has already expressed their desire to participate.


© John Curnow, ORCV Media

Please contact me for re-issue rights.

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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au