Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher
2014 Melbourne to Adelaide Race West to SA
Port Lincoln


  • Have you been to the Port Lincoln Regatta yet ?
  • Have you heard about the race from Adelaide to Port Lincoln ?
  • Have you thought about a race/rally from Melbourne to Adelaide ? (M2A)

ORCV has, and is seeking a response from its members regarding organizing a race/rally from Portsea/Queenscliffe to Adelaide in time to participate in the Adelaide to Port Lincoln race in February 2014.
The race to Port Lincoln starts on 21st Feb. and the Port Lincoln Regatta starts on 24th Feb and finishes on 27th Feb. To achieve a sensible date to get to Adelaide the M2A would need to start soon after the Geelong Festival of Sail.
Proposed formats of the M2A are as follows:
• Handicap race – no stops
• Handicap elapsed time – stops for weather windows/tourism and mandatory finish date
• Cruising rally with mandatory finish date
Berthing at Adelaide would be at CYCSA and stopover berths can be organized for planned/unplanned stops. Accommodation at Port Lincoln needs to be booked as early as possible to ensure a good location.
ORCV would organize the event and manage communications for the race/rally. As you would be aware, an event such as this requires support from entries , and ORCV needs input from interested competitors to allow us to evaluate the support for the event and the resources required by ORCV to responsibly manage the event.
So, if you want to follow the sun West , let us know if you want to do it and provide us with your views as to an acceptable format. Those of us who have been are going again – some for the tourist value, others for the Port Lincoln fun and racing. Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




orcv logo reversed

3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au